Dentist account

Hello, today I am  going to write about the account in Instagram (@matteo_negri). This account was many time on the plataform and is administer by theDr. Matteo Negri dentist, and he born in Italy .

He graduated in  1998/2003 Degree in Dentistry with Dental Prosthesis at the University of Verona with a thesis on "Expansive surgical techniques in the rehabilitation of partially atrophic alveolar crests" and since 2004, he practices private practice in his studio in Verona and Sommacampagna and  also since 2010 Provincial Councilor Andi Veronaand also in 2017 Qualification of RSPP trainersn and Polytechnic University of Marche II level Master in dental policy management and finally in 2018 became a member of the National Commission "ANDI with Youth".
in this account he post many dental interventions , treatments and funy pictures in relation with the major and also post tips from the dentristy students.
this account I see almost all the day because allways have a new post and is so interesting because I can see that I will do in the future obiosly if I finish my major. It must be said that all of pictures in that appears any person , his protected identity .

 he post videos like this  and the link forn you visit is 


  1. After I finish this comment, I will search him in Instagram because I’m a big fan of the profiles that upload surgeries or big interventions, specially if is odontology related


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