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what will i do when i finish my major

It´s will be my last blogg an the topic that I will write is abuot What will I do in my future? respecting my major . So What I will do? First, When i finish my major I wanna work in the public healt system in a rural area because I think that the person who live there, don´t have the opportunity for go to de dentist for the lack of them.  And before that I would like to study an specialization called "periodontics ". The periodontics is the  specialty  of  dentistry  that studies supporting structures of  teeth , as well as diseases and conditions that affect them. The supporting tissues are known as the  periodontium , which includes the  gingiva  (gums),  alveolar bone ,  cementum , and the  periodontal ligament . A periodontist is a dentist that specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease and in the placement of dental implants. This specialization call my attention because I fell that the healt of the gum is so important be

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